Sunday 7 December 2014

"Perseverance breeds Victorious Success"

 A lesson I learned in life well is all started in

2011- end of of the year I heard about SAWISE and great work it does in helping transform young women scientists.

2012- I joined SAWISE as just a member (postgraduate student interested).

2013- I persevered got more involved in SAWISE made is as Volunteer Young Scientist.

2014- Got profiled as inspiring young women scientist by SAWISE.

2014- end of the year. Became part of SAWISE Executive Committee by nomination and members votes.

Again "Perseverance breeds victorious success"

Monday 1 December 2014

Words of Wisdom by LadyC

Life is precious, it's a gift from God live it to the fullest!! Don't limit yourself! If you have dreams follow them!! Make them realities!! Have Fun, laugh and spend time with the ones you love. Travel see the other side of the world, make memories!! Bless others, give to the Needy. Praise God while at it. Talk less, do more!! take first step of action and do what you love and be happy.

..You don't want to wake up and ask yourself what have you done with your life..
You will be amazed how living positive can transform you and make your destiny in life profound...