Sunday 23 November 2014

""The Value of The Gift of Time""

Time is precious and important;
Time cannot be waisted, Time determine how much we can do within a moment; Time can limit and not limit one. Time spending praising God is not wasted but great inheritance on one's life on earth.

After watching the movie "The Greater Yes" The true story of Amy Newhouse desire to give Her life for building the kingdom of God, Help the less fortunate and make a difference;

Yet instead of a Dream prevailing had to face biggest fight of her life, a fatal disease and still believe God had a purpose for all has happened!! So moved by her Faith and making me realize God has a plan for each and one of US. According to His Will, sometimes His No, could mean a Greater Yes!! Might not make sense but to Him it does and this teaching US never to loose HOPE. KEEP believing and Praying!!

All I could say after watching the movie, is Thank You God for every moment I breath, alive and protected. Thank You for Good health and Heart for your Kingdom. Forgive me if there might have been any times I did not give thanks and follow your will Father.
Most Important!! Thank you for the time you have blessed with on earth and Help me use it according to your will.. For your Glory God"

Colossians 1 :1-29 "a Thanks Giving and Prayer"

Inspired by a powerful inspirational sad story "The Greater Yes"

Be blessed and inspired



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