Sunday 5 April 2015


To be a PhD student its seed sowed, To be a Medical Scientist its seeing the planted seed turn into a growing tree, and To be a Philanthropist, give back and share your success to better others it’s seeing the grown tree producing Fruits.

 Life is not only about you and having it all, but it’s about using what you have been blessed with to change lives, and see more of you developing fruitfully. Now this is what I call, life based on a God's purpose, humility, determination and contentment. With a good heart, a solid dream and focused mind to reach your dream, you are literally the answer of your own destiny, through the grace of God. As I believe is God's desire to see all prosper abundantly and live a purposeful life. Start by being the change you want to see happen in the world and you will be amazed how much you got to offer to the kingdom of God.

Stay Inspired by LadyC, this is just a taste of words of wisdom God has bestowed in my heart. Stay at the watch out as there is more to come as I continue my work of motivating, life-couching and advising others across their different life journeys. More bookings and more reaching out.

for more info checkout my website page link:

Stay blessed

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