Sunday 7 December 2014

"Perseverance breeds Victorious Success"

 A lesson I learned in life well is all started in

2011- end of of the year I heard about SAWISE and great work it does in helping transform young women scientists.

2012- I joined SAWISE as just a member (postgraduate student interested).

2013- I persevered got more involved in SAWISE made is as Volunteer Young Scientist.

2014- Got profiled as inspiring young women scientist by SAWISE.

2014- end of the year. Became part of SAWISE Executive Committee by nomination and members votes.

Again "Perseverance breeds victorious success"

Monday 1 December 2014

Words of Wisdom by LadyC

Life is precious, it's a gift from God live it to the fullest!! Don't limit yourself! If you have dreams follow them!! Make them realities!! Have Fun, laugh and spend time with the ones you love. Travel see the other side of the world, make memories!! Bless others, give to the Needy. Praise God while at it. Talk less, do more!! take first step of action and do what you love and be happy.

..You don't want to wake up and ask yourself what have you done with your life..
You will be amazed how living positive can transform you and make your destiny in life profound...

Sunday 23 November 2014

""The Value of The Gift of Time""

Time is precious and important;
Time cannot be waisted, Time determine how much we can do within a moment; Time can limit and not limit one. Time spending praising God is not wasted but great inheritance on one's life on earth.

After watching the movie "The Greater Yes" The true story of Amy Newhouse desire to give Her life for building the kingdom of God, Help the less fortunate and make a difference;

Yet instead of a Dream prevailing had to face biggest fight of her life, a fatal disease and still believe God had a purpose for all has happened!! So moved by her Faith and making me realize God has a plan for each and one of US. According to His Will, sometimes His No, could mean a Greater Yes!! Might not make sense but to Him it does and this teaching US never to loose HOPE. KEEP believing and Praying!!

All I could say after watching the movie, is Thank You God for every moment I breath, alive and protected. Thank You for Good health and Heart for your Kingdom. Forgive me if there might have been any times I did not give thanks and follow your will Father.
Most Important!! Thank you for the time you have blessed with on earth and Help me use it according to your will.. For your Glory God"

Colossians 1 :1-29 "a Thanks Giving and Prayer"

Inspired by a powerful inspirational sad story "The Greater Yes"

Be blessed and inspired



Sunday 9 November 2014

Honours for Maties trio who beat the odds

"Hard Work, Humility and Perseverance pays off especially when you trust in the Lord,   He always makes a way. If they did it what is stopping you!!"

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Supplied Professor Leopoldt van Huyssteen (far right), acting rector and vice-chancellor of Stellenbosch University with the recipients of the Rector s Award for Succeeding Against the Odds, (left to right) Blain van Wyk, Caroline Pule en Agnes Molebatsi.

Cape Town - As a child Blain van Wyk was often teased because he looked different. Born with a cleft lip and palate he often felt like an outsider but now the 22-year-old from Paarl s using his own experiences to help others.
Van Wyk is the founder of the Operation Smile Student Society at Stellenbosch University which raises funds for Operation Smile, an international children’s medical charity that performs cleft lip and palate surgery. 

Last week, Van Wyk, who is studying towards a BA Honours in political science, was one of the recipients of the Rector’s Award for Succeeding Against the Odds. The award honours Maties who excel academically despite challenging socio-economic conditions, limited opportunities or disability. 

Van Wyk, who had his first operation when he was three months old, enrolled at university in 2010 and initially studied engineering. But he struggled academically and after a few sessions at the Centre for Student Counselling and Development enrolled for a BA in international studies. Initially Van Wyk asked fellow students in the Wilgenhof Men’s Residence to make a monthly donation of R8 to Operation Smile. But soon others started donating and since 2012 the Operation Smile Society on campus has managed to raise enough money for five operations. Last year he went to Rwanda with Operation Smile as a student volunteer and described it as one of the best experiences of his life. “Having been able to use my personal experiences to make a difference in an other individual’s life is the greatest success of my life thus far.” Van Wyk completed his undergraduate degree with 10 distinctions and plans to continue working for Operation Smile. 

The other recipients of the award were Agnes Molebatsi, a first-year theology student from Khutsong in Carletonville and Caroline Pule, a PhD student in molecular biology and human genetics Molebatsi’s first few months at university were difficult as she didn’t have money to pay for registration and had no accommodation, books or pocket money. Through the help of people from her church she found accommodation and a loan from the university bursary office. She finished her first semester with a distinction, achieving 81 percent, for one of her modules. 

Pule started her studies at Cape Peninsula University of Technology, studying biotechnology. After her grandmother died in her second year of study, she started writing a book about her journey to motivate her. She intends publishing it after completing her PhD. She managed to fund her BTech studies with bursaries and also got a job at Stellenbosch University. She was accepted to do her MSc degree in 2012, provided that she pass her BTech subjects with distinctions. In 2012 she enrolled for her MSc at Stellenbosch University and passed with honours. 

Each recipient was awarded an R85 000 bursary. 


LadyC "Caroline Pule"

Ephesians 2:8-9

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. not by works, so that no one can boast."

Really the teaching at church made me realize how beyond all that is on earth and heaven, Nothing!! I mean Nothing!! Can Separate US from the LOVE OF GOD, how His Grace is Sufficient Enough to those who trust in Him where good or bad, no matter what we have done wrong or right!! 
His GRACE keeps STIRRING in OUR Hearts, as We Ask in Jesus Name, As we TRUST in God!!

AS YES!! by GRACE we can Accomplish the Impossible!! we can be in the Supernatural, Extraordinary, we can Bless others, we can be a Blessing, BY GRACE We can Forgive fully, We can Repent out of our sin, Be redeemed, Give Generously, Pray for others and our Family, 

By GRACE we can Receive Wisdom and Strength from God.. Humility and Yes all for His GLORY... only if we UNDERSTAND the POWER OF GOD's GRACE AVAILABLE TO US..

Love you GOD, our Father in Heaven, JESUS CHRIST, the son of the living GOD and HOLY SPIRIT, our helper from our Lord Jesus Christ.. Holy Trinity.

Ephesians 2:8-9 Amazing grace of God enough for all

Sunday 26 October 2014


A wise golden rule that will transform your live, Never make "Giving Up an Option!!" Say No to Mediocrity!! What You got to loose by Trying Again?? NOTHING. Remember if at first you don't succeed, it is not a disgrace but an opportunity to try again and believe you can do it!! You can reach your goals!! You can reach the highest peak if you faint not instead try again!!

Life will always have both good and tough times, as there is time for everything!! but that does not define your ability to pull through, instead prepares you to be courageous in both times.  Giving up has never broad success or contentment in ones heart, just regrets, doubts and what ifs!! is that the life you want, be a quitter, pessimist?? NO, I don't think so, because you were created to live abundance and prosper!!'

Hence its time to transform your mind and stay away from giving up somebody! Stop being lazy! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Stop doubting yourself! Instead take a "STEP OF FAITH" try again, this time, give it your ultimate best! With all the energy you've got! Fixing your eyes towards your victory and remembering, " IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU FALL; BUT WHAT MATTERS IS HOW MANY TIMES YOU STAND UP AND HOW YOU FINISH!!

One of my inspiration is Steve Jobs journey. If Steve Jobs was able to pick himself up after being fired from his own company, started a new successful company and due to his loyalty to his dream, was signed again back to his first old Apple company he started in his dad's garage and now is a legend we look up too!! A respectful leader who saw things differently, saw the bigger picture and no matter how many times, investors turned his offers down, He never took giving up as an option but persisted until they signed a big deal!! and His Apple company is still successful till this daily age!! Steve Jobs eyes were fixed on his goal victory and it came to pass, the same will happen for you if you can, be of good courage. Your life will never be same again... I myself living a testimony of that.

Always Remember!!!! " its better to try many times than giving up" In the Bible, the story of JOB, its a reflection of this message, read it and be motivated

GOD Bless you

Lady C

Saturday 25 October 2014

When the bridge looks too high to cross 

" Child remember your Creator"

All started with a long journey full of surprises, full of excitement, full of opportunities to crab!! In my heart crawling thought greediness, in my mind calculation of numbers like in black jack!! Seeing thy destiny reached yet ignorant about the resources to fulfill the journey, forgetful about tools to help me get to my destiny, narrow minded about searching for perfect rules to cross the Bridge!! The bridge!!

Now having had crabbed all that is mine, that belong to me, only left with crossing the bridge towards my destiny! All shut down, the bridge looked high and higher every step I took, all I have turning into a heavy load due to higher the bridge looked.. Loosing the strength n excitement,

A word came from ABOVE!! My child I gave you a choice to choose how to travel your long journey, to see how do you prepare for the journey and grossing the bridge and all YOU saw and desired was WEALTH it had to OFFER YOU! But IGNORED knowing WHO made the Journey and what it offers. The MASTER of all you Owned , who KNEW what to do WHEN THE BRIDGE looked HIGH to CROSS!!

Who could HELP You CARRY all your LOAD to CROSS the bridge!! ME Your Heavenly Father, the creator of all you Owned. HENCE my child ALWAYS know that I'm HERE for You. I'm giving you a second chance choose right and know what to do when the bridge looks to high to cross. With tears Yes Lord I will¤

Always trust in GOD, He will never Leave or Forsake you in all seasons, will be there to Help you through!!

He makes a way when it seems there is no way

God's ways are higher than ours' He works in mysterious blessed ways'

Light story of Reaching out without realization.
Today Morning on my way to church couldn't get transport and waited for 40 min even ended up in tears as I really thirsted to go praise and Worship God* when I almost went back Home, there was transport and indeed made it but embarrassed asked usher to seat at the back*
Wow I set next to this other guy who just found out has been seeking God and needing guidance on how to study the word of GOD.
There I Was God Using me to Share to Him, Read Scriptures together after Church and I prayed for him, praying together and He was touched yet I was Humbled* and
I REALIZED there was a reason to get transport Late God had a plan to Use me Help His Son yet I was sad earlier, all turned in Gladness of God's Ways and the way He connect things to make a story Powerful*
Therefore always Be Wise, Patient, awake and under Gods wisdom and know everything happen for a reason in Him*